Strategic Alignment Workshops – Get Proactive

Organizations often take a tactical approach to environmental sustainability, either reacting to external pressures or seeking some short-term market advantage. This makes, their efforts piecemeal or ineffective, and can end up hindering real progress.

It also means that these organizations have relinquished control of their own futures. Waiting for more regulation before acting simply invites more regulation. Waiting for more pressure from external stakeholders before acting makes the organization part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

To take control of their futures, organizations need to put environmental outcomes on the same footing as economic outcomes.  This means envisioning the future from an environmental perspective, setting environmental objectives, developing strategies and plans to achieve them (in alignment with economic strategies and plans), and then actively managing these plans.

This is a fundamental change for many organizations and like any transformation it is a journey rather than an event.  Our role is to be your guide on that journey through the provision of advice and through facilitating the Alignment Workshops that punctuate and define the journey.

Our workshops are structured around creative and collaborative problem-solving where we enable participants to work together to build common understanding, generate insights, see new possibilities, overcome roadblocks, and commit to specific courses of action.  Each Workshop focuses on one of the key elements of all transformation journeys – the Case for Change, the Future Vision, the “above the line” Roadmap to get there or the “below the line” Change Management process to shift the culture.

  1. To understand more about the challenges of that journey we recommend you read “Mission Possible” – a short novel that provides some different perspectives in an entertaining way.
  2. To participate in our Roundtable discussion groups where we bring together sustainability professionals from diverse organizations to discuss sustainability issues under the Chatham House register your interest.