Eco-Eco Framework® – Commit

Organizations often struggle to commit to Nature Positive action because the financial implications are not clear.  This is why we developed the Eco-Eco Framework®, which quantifies how Ecological outcomes impact Economic outcomes (and vice versa) and the Key Drivers of these outcomes.  Once the Framework has been configured and calibrated for your organization it can be used for:

  1. Risk Management
    • Systematically identify nature-related risks and opportunities
    • Quantify potential impacts Initiatives and Interventions
  2. Initiatives and Interventions
    • Develop options and solutions through scenario and “What if?” analyses
    • Quantify financial implications for business cases
    • Understand trade-offs between Ecological and Economic outcomes
    • Select and prioritise initiatives on both Ecological and Economic criteria
    • Monitor progress towards achieving outcomes using Key Drivers as lead
  3. Data Collection and Reporting
    • Conduct materiality assessments more quickly and efficiently
    • Lower the cost of on-going data collection and monitoring
  4. Strategy and Targets
    • Set targets for Ecological and Economic outcomes
    • Determine optimal levels of Key Drivers to achieve the targets
    • Identify gaps between current and optimal Key Driver levels to inform strategy and roadmap
    • Align stakeholders through a more holistic understanding of the linkages
      between Ecological and Economic performance

We take a collaborative, co-generation approach to configuring and calibrating the Eco-Eco Framework® for your organization, and we develop your internal capability to maintain and improve it over time.