For our children

Nature Positive Action - accelerating our shift to a sustainable planetary ecosystem.

What we do

We help organizations get into Nature Positive action through our:

• Strategic Alignment Workshops. View
• Eco-Eco Framework. View
• Nuture Positive Collaboration Hub. View

The problem

We are using the equivalent of 1.6 Earths to maintain our current way of life. This means we are heading for a catastrophic crash-landing where the ecosystems that sustain us collapse, and the planet is simply unable to support anything like the current human population.

To avoid this, we must maintain as much biodiversity and natural habitat as possible - and recover from past losses. Nature Positive is therefore about shifting to a sustainable planetary ecosystem.

But progress has been much too slow. There has been a lot of talk. What we need now is action.

Our solutions

Strategic Alignment Workshops – Get Proactive

We help your organization develop and agree its environmental vision, strategic objectives and roadmap so that it can be proactive rather than simply react to external pressures.

Learn more about how your organization can get proactive here.

Images showing logging, a sawmill, and a carpenter's workshop
Images showing many people using a lake for boating, swimming, and fishing

Eco-Eco® Framework and Platform – Commit

Our Eco-Eco® framework and platform enables your organization to commit to focussed action by making transparent trade-offs between Ecological and Economic outcomes, setting targets, developing and prioritising initiatives, and quantifying the business cases required to obtain resourcing.

Learn more about how your organization can commit to action here.

Nature Positive Collaboration Hubs – Amplify Results

We bring together different organizations around a joint commitment to achieving measurable environmental outcomes at a specific location (e.g. a watershed). We provide governance, reporting, facilitation and project management to ensure an integrated and equitable approach that amplifies results and reduces costs.

Learn more about how your organization can amplify its environmental results here.

Images showing logging, a sawmill, and a carpenter's workshop


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Research and Tools

A key aim of Nature Positive Action is to enable sustainability professionals to engage more effectively in their organizations and accelerate their journeys to sustainability.

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Nature Positive Action runs regular Sustainability Roundtables. These are free collaborative sessions that cover important topics related to biodiversity, sustainability and climate change.


What makes Radical Collaboration Hubs different?

Three things make Radical Collaboration Hubs different from other forms of collaboration. 

The first is that collaboration is based on a joint commitment by member organizations to non-financial objectives, with commercial outcomes considered a constraint rather than the primary purpose. 

The second is that the Radical Collaboration Institute acts as the Collaboration Integrity Office (CIO) for each Hub. As a neutral and independent party, the CIO’s only interest is in the success of the Hub and of each member organization. The CIO provides governance of the Hub, monitors and reports on progress, maintains transparency around the contribution of each member, enables the confidential sharing of information, facilitates the collaborative problem-solving and solution development process, and project manages initiatives to implement these solutions.

The third unique attribute is the depth and breadth of knowledge, expertise, and resources that Hubs can bring to bear on a sustainability problems, because they bring together diverse organizations from within and across value chains.  This results in both better solutions and more rapid implementation.

How do I join an existing Radical Collaboration Hub?

All members of a Hub must formally commit to both the joint objectives of the Hub and their individual organization’s contribution to those objectives. Admission to an existing Hub therefore involves a process of renegotiating and realigning the overall targets of the Hub and of each member organization.  

Membership of Radical Collaboration Hubs is only for organizations not individuals. However, many Hubs run workshops and forums where individuals who are not from member organizations can attend or participate.  Contact us if you are interested.

I aspire to achieve a nature-positive outcome. How can you assist me in this endeavour?

Location is crucial. By becoming the founding member of a location-based hub and contributing to the infrastructure costs, you can initiate the journey toward a nature-positive outcome. Additionally, you can play a pivotal role in recruiting other members and supporting various aspects of the initiative.

I'm interested in reducing my scope 3 emissions. How can you assist me in achieving this goal?

We believe in tackling shared challenges collectively. You can become the founding partner of a scope 3 hub and contribute based on the outcomes achieved. From there, we can onboard new members who will share in the costs of the solutions.

How do I start a new Radical Collaboration Hub?

If you want to start a new Radical Collaboration Hub, contact us! There is no fixed process for starting a Hub as each one is unique. However, it helps if you are clear about the problem you need to solve, why you need to collaborate with other organizations to solve it and which other organizations should be involved. Founding members set the objectives and roadmap for the Hub.

How much does it cost to join a Collaboration Hub?

Each member of a Hub pays a nominal quarterly membership fee to cover the operating costs of the Hub. Initiatives run by the Hub are funded on a case-by-case basis. Members also pay RCI a success fee based on the achievement of Hub objectives.

Are Roundtables confidential?

Roundtables operate under the Chatham House Rule - participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers, nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

When is the next Roundtable?

Roundtables are currently being run on a regular basis in both Melbourne and Sydney. To register click here.

What is the RCI Sustainability Management Maturity Index?

Every organization is on its own unique sustainability journey. Some are still coming to grips with sustainability as a compliance issue while others are trying to move it from the wings to centre-stage. A select few have managed to embed sustainability into their governance processes and their day-to-day operations. 

The aim of the Sustainability Management Maturity Index is to help organizations understand where they are on this journey compared to where they could be, relative to their potential. It also provides guidance on the areas the organization needs to focus on to increase maturity and hence its overall sustainability. Does the organization need to build more capability or does it need to apply its existing capability more broadly, for example.

Organizations can do a self-assessment via an online survey, which is usually completed by the Sustainability Manager. They can also have RCI provide a more in-depth and independent assessment.

What else does the Radical Collaboration Institute do?

Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world, by helping sustainability managers to accelerate the progress of their organizations. We see Radical Collaboration as the biggest lever we can use to increase the rate of change for everyone but understand that individual organizations face a variety of challenges and are not always in a position to take advantage of it. This is why we also work with individual organizations to put the building blocks in place.  Contact us to learn more.

What areas of sustainability does the Radical Collaboration Institute specialise in?

Our team specializes in collaborative problem solving and results-focussed implementation, with a track record spanning 15 years across a wide range of commercial and social contexts. When it comes to technical expertise, Hubs are usually constituted so they bring together organizations that have the requisite technical expertise and resources, but we also draw on external sustainability subject matter experts when required.